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Billingual idioms and proverbs English-Latin
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The end justifies the means
exitus ācta probat

A proverb English-Latin
On this page you will find over 30 English-Latin idioms and proverbs
# English Latin
1 Rome wasn't built in a day Roma non uno die aedificata est
2 actions speak louder than words rēs, nōn verba
3 all roads lead to Rome omnēs viae Rōmam dūcunt
4 all roads lead to Rome omnibus viīs Rōmam pervenītur
5 all that glitters is not gold nōn omne quod nitet aurum est
6 art is long, life is short ars longa, vīta brevis
7 art is long, life is short vita brevis, ars longa
8 barking dogs seldom bite canis sine dentibus vehementius lātrat
9 birds of a feather flock together pares cum paribus facillimē congregantur
10 charity begins at home proximus egomet mihi
11 clothes don't make the man cucullus non facit monachum
12 crime doesn't pay culpam poena premit comes
13 desperate times call for desperate measures extremis malis extrema remedia
14 don't count your chickens before they're hatched ante victoriam ne canas triumphum
15 don't look a gift horse in the mouth equī dōnātī dentēs nōn īnspiciuntur
16 don't look a gift horse in the mouth equī dōnātī dentēs nōn sunt īnspiciendī
17 don't look a gift horse in the mouth nōlī equī dentēs īnspicere dōnātī
18 e pluribus unum ē plūribus ūnum
19 e pluribus unum e pluribus unum
20 eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth oculum pro oculo dentem pro dente
21 forewarned is forearmed praemonitus praemunitus
22 fortune favors the bold fortis Fortuna adiuvat
23 hunger is a good sauce fames optimum condimentum
24 in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king in regione caecorum rex est luscus
25 in wine, there is truth in vino veritas
26 know thyself nōsce tē ipsum
27 know thyself tēmet nōsce
28 knowledge is power scientia potentia est
29 misery loves company Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris
30 no news is good news nulla nova bona nova
31 no pain, no gain quī arat olīvētum, rogat fructum
32 no pain, no gain quī stercorat, exōrat
33 no pain, no gain quī caedit, cōgit
34 no pain, no gain sine labōre nōn erit pānis in ōre
35 no pain, no gain sine labōre nōn est pānis in ōre
36 out of sight, out of mind procul ex oculis, procul ex mente
37 practice makes perfect repetitio est mater studiorum
38 practice makes perfect fabricando fit faber
39 seeing is believing videre est credere
40 silence is golden silentium est aurum
41 spare the rod and spoil the child quī bene amat, bene castīgat
42 speak softly and carry a big stick post verba verbera
43 sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof sufficit diei malitia sua
44 the cowl does not make the monk cucullus non facit monachum
45 the cowl does not make the monk barba non facit philosophum
46 the end justifies the means exitus ācta probat
47 the fish rots from the head null piscis primum a capite foetet
48 the fox may grow grey but never good lupus pilum mutat, non mentem
49 the more the merrier melius abundāre quam dēficere
50 the pen is mightier than the sword cedant arma togae
51 the voice of the people, the voice of God vox populi vox dei
52 the wolf may lose his teeth but never his nature lupus pilum mutat, non mentem
53 there is nothing new under the sun nihil sub sole novum
54 there is nothing new under the sun nihil sub sole novi
55 there's no accounting for taste de gustibus non est disputandum
56 there's no place like home nullus est locus domestica sede iucundior
57 third time's a charm omne trium perfectum
58 to each his own suum cuique
59 to err is human errare humanum est
60 to err is human humanum est errare
61 to the victor go the spoils ut ursus ire anguilla
62 to thine own self be true quisque sibi verus
63 when in Rome, do as the Romans do si fueris Rōmae, Rōmānō vīvitō mōre; si fueris alibī, vīvitō sīcut ibī
64 when the cat's away the mice will play audācem reddit fēlis absentia murem
65 when the cat's away the mice will play fēle comprehensā saltant murēs in mensā
66 when the cat's away the mice will play quō nōn versantur cattī mures dominantur
67 you can't teach an old dog new tricks senex psittacus negligit ferulam
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