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Conjugation of German and English verbs
Conjugation tables
English and German verbs

With this conjugator you can conjugate English and German verbs. Just enter an English or German verb in the search box. All forms of the searched verb in all tenses are displayed.

The conjugator will also find the verb if you enter an inflected form of the verb (e.g. ran).

Of course, you can also search for irregular verbs in the conjugator.

In tabular form you get the indicative, the conditional and for English also the passive.

Examples Conjugator
Conjugation in practice
It's time to conjugate...

Test the conjugator with e.g.:

Infinitive machen, sein conjugate, need
Inflected gegeben, hättet buying, painted, caught
Irregular verziehen, leiden, geben, fliegen, einladen catch, feel, drive, eat, forgive, grow, put, ride, run

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