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to rejoice

Konjugierte Formen
InfinitiveSimple PastPast Participle
to rejoice play verbform rejoiced play verbform rejoiced play verbform
simple present
I rejoice we rejoice
you rejoice you rejoice
he/she/it rejoices they rejoice
present progressive
I am rejoicing we are rejoicing
you are rejoicing you are rejoicing
he/she/it is rejoicing they are rejoicing
present perfect
I have rejoiced we have rejoiced
you have rejoiced you have rejoiced
he/she/it has rejoiced they have rejoiced
present perfect progressive
I have been rejoicing we have been rejoicing
you have been rejoicing you have been rejoicing
he/she/it has been rejoicing they have been rejoicing
simple past
I rejoiced we rejoiced
you rejoiced you rejoiced
he/she/it rejoiced they rejoiced
past progressive
I was rejoicing we were rejoicing
you were rejoicing you were rejoicing
he/she/it was rejoicing they were rejoicing
past perfect
I had rejoiced we had rejoiced
you had rejoiced you had rejoiced
he/she/it had rejoiced they had rejoiced
past perfect progressive
I had been rejoicing we had been rejoicing
you had been rejoicing you had been rejoicing
he/she/it had been rejoicing they had been rejoicing
simple future
I will rejoice we will rejoice
you will rejoice you will rejoice
he/she/it will rejoice they will rejoice
future progressive
I will be rejoicing we will be rejoicing
you will be rejoicing you will be rejoicing
he/she/it will be rejoicing they will be rejoicing
future perfect
I will have rejoiced we will have rejoiced
you will have rejoiced you will have rejoiced
he/she/it will have rejoiced they will have rejoiced
future perfect progressive
I will have been rejoicing we will have been rejoicing
you will have been rejoicing you will have been rejoicing
he/she/it will have been rejoicing they will have been rejoicing
conditional present
I would rejoice we would rejoice
you would rejoice you would rejoice
he/she/it would rejoice they would rejoice
conditional present progressive
I would be rejoicing we would be rejoicing
you would be rejoicing you would be rejoicing
he/she/it would be rejoicing they would be rejoicing
conditional perfect
I would have rejoiced we would have rejoiced
you would have rejoiced you would have rejoiced
he/she/it would have rejoiced they would have rejoiced
conditional perfect progressive
I would have been rejoicing we would have been rejoicing
you would have been rejoicing you would have been rejoicing
he/she/it would have been rejoicing they would have been rejoicing
passive simple present
I am rejoiced we are rejoiced
you are rejoiced you are rejoiced
he/she/it is rejoiced they are rejoiced
passive present progressive
I am being rejoiced we are being rejoiced
you are being rejoiced you are being rejoiced
he/she/it is being rejoiced they are being rejoiced
passive present perfect
I have been rejoiced we have been rejoiced
you have been rejoiced you have been rejoiced
he/she/it has been rejoiced they have been rejoiced
passive present perfect progressive
I have been being rejoiced we have been being rejoiced
you have been being rejoiced you have been being rejoiced
he/she/it has been being rejoiced they have been being rejoiced
passive simple past
I was rejoiced we were rejoiced
you were rejoiced you were rejoiced
he/she/it was rejoiced they were rejoiced
passive past progressive
I was being rejoiced we were being rejoiced
you were being rejoiced you were being rejoiced
he/she/it was being rejoiced they were being rejoiced
passive past perfect
I had been rejoiced we had been rejoiced
you had been rejoiced you had been rejoiced
he/she/it had been rejoiced they had been rejoiced
passive past perfect progressive
I had been being rejoiced we had been being rejoiced
you had been being rejoiced you had been being rejoiced
he/she/it had been being rejoiced they had been being rejoiced
passive simple future
I will be rejoiced we will be rejoiced
you will be rejoiced you will be rejoiced
he/she/it will be rejoiced they will be rejoiced
passive future progressive
I will be being rejoiced we will be being rejoiced
you will be being rejoiced you will be being rejoiced
he/she/it will be being rejoiced they will be being rejoiced
passive future perfect
I will have been rejoiced we will have been rejoiced
you will have been rejoiced you will have been rejoiced
he/she/it will have been rejoiced they will have been rejoiced
passive future perfect progressive
I will have been being rejoiced we will have been being rejoiced
you will have been being rejoiced you will have been being rejoiced
he/she/it will have been being rejoiced they will have been being rejoiced
to rejoice
Ähnliche Wörter
grieve exult delight gladness weep mourn thankful pray cheer rejoicings thanksgiving glory repent dwell hope regret marvel welcome wish thankfulness love bless adore exultation behold revel partake overjoy sorrow look forward heart greatly joy see shall hear great exceedingly glad God heartily let triumph success prospect
Deutsche Übersetzung
Typische Wortverbindungen (Kollokationen)
Alle Kollokationen anzeigen für to rejoice