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to traduce

Formas del verbo
InfinitiveSimple PastPast Participle
to traduce play verbform traduced play verbform traduced play verbform
Tablas de conjugación
simple present
I traduce we traduce
you traduce you traduce
he/she/it traduces they traduce
present progressive
I am traducing we are traducing
you are traducing you are traducing
he/she/it is traducing they are traducing
present perfect
I have traduced we have traduced
you have traduced you have traduced
he/she/it has traduced they have traduced
present perfect progressive
I have been traducing we have been traducing
you have been traducing you have been traducing
he/she/it has been traducing they have been traducing
simple past
I traduced we traduced
you traduced you traduced
he/she/it traduced they traduced
past progressive
I was traducing we were traducing
you were traducing you were traducing
he/she/it was traducing they were traducing
past perfect
I had traduced we had traduced
you had traduced you had traduced
he/she/it had traduced they had traduced
past perfect progressive
I had been traducing we had been traducing
you had been traducing you had been traducing
he/she/it had been traducing they had been traducing
simple future
I will traduce we will traduce
you will traduce you will traduce
he/she/it will traduce they will traduce
future progressive
I will be traducing we will be traducing
you will be traducing you will be traducing
he/she/it will be traducing they will be traducing
future perfect
I will have traduced we will have traduced
you will have traduced you will have traduced
he/she/it will have traduced they will have traduced
future perfect progressive
I will have been traducing we will have been traducing
you will have been traducing you will have been traducing
he/she/it will have been traducing they will have been traducing
conditional present
I would traduce we would traduce
you would traduce you would traduce
he/she/it would traduce they would traduce
conditional present progressive
I would be traducing we would be traducing
you would be traducing you would be traducing
he/she/it would be traducing they would be traducing
conditional perfect
I would have traduced we would have traduced
you would have traduced you would have traduced
he/she/it would have traduced they would have traduced
conditional perfect progressive
I would have been traducing we would have been traducing
you would have been traducing you would have been traducing
he/she/it would have been traducing they would have been traducing
passive simple present
I am traduced we are traduced
you are traduced you are traduced
he/she/it is traduced they are traduced
passive present progressive
I am being traduced we are being traduced
you are being traduced you are being traduced
he/she/it is being traduced they are being traduced
passive present perfect
I have been traduced we have been traduced
you have been traduced you have been traduced
he/she/it has been traduced they have been traduced
passive present perfect progressive
I have been being traduced we have been being traduced
you have been being traduced you have been being traduced
he/she/it has been being traduced they have been being traduced
passive simple past
I was traduced we were traduced
you were traduced you were traduced
he/she/it was traduced they were traduced
passive past progressive
I was being traduced we were being traduced
you were being traduced you were being traduced
he/she/it was being traduced they were being traduced
passive past perfect
I had been traduced we had been traduced
you had been traduced you had been traduced
he/she/it had been traduced they had been traduced
passive past perfect progressive
I had been being traduced we had been being traduced
you had been being traduced you had been being traduced
he/she/it had been being traduced they had been being traduced
passive simple future
I will be traduced we will be traduced
you will be traduced you will be traduced
he/she/it will be traduced they will be traduced
passive future progressive
I will be being traduced we will be being traduced
you will be being traduced you will be being traduced
he/she/it will be being traduced they will be being traduced
passive future perfect
I will have been traduced we will have been traduced
you will have been traduced you will have been traduced
he/she/it will have been traduced they will have been traduced
passive future perfect progressive
I will have been being traduced we will have been being traduced
you will have been being traduced you will have been being traduced
he/she/it will have been being traduced they will have been being traduced
to traduce
Palabras similares
misunderstand ill-treat misjudge ill-use belie contemn abuse defraud belittle insult undervalue deceive neglect injure maltreat distort impugn betray ridicule assail backbite disparage exaggerate mislead accuse wrong envy despise cheated misinterpret vilify malign slander character misrepresent calumniate libel persecute asperse defame malice thenceforward honourable detract revile
Traducción alemana
Mostrar collocaciones para to traduce

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