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to concern

Formas del verbo
InfinitiveSimple PastPast Participle
to concern play verbform concerned play verbform concerned play verbform
Tablas de conjugación
simple present
I concern we concern
you concern you concern
he/she/it concerns they concern
present progressive
I am concerning we are concerning
you are concerning you are concerning
he/she/it is concerning they are concerning
present perfect
I have concerned we have concerned
you have concerned you have concerned
he/she/it has concerned they have concerned
present perfect progressive
I have been concerning we have been concerning
you have been concerning you have been concerning
he/she/it has been concerning they have been concerning
simple past
I concerned we concerned
you concerned you concerned
he/she/it concerned they concerned
past progressive
I was concerning we were concerning
you were concerning you were concerning
he/she/it was concerning they were concerning
past perfect
I had concerned we had concerned
you had concerned you had concerned
he/she/it had concerned they had concerned
past perfect progressive
I had been concerning we had been concerning
you had been concerning you had been concerning
he/she/it had been concerning they had been concerning
simple future
I will concern we will concern
you will concern you will concern
he/she/it will concern they will concern
future progressive
I will be concerning we will be concerning
you will be concerning you will be concerning
he/she/it will be concerning they will be concerning
future perfect
I will have concerned we will have concerned
you will have concerned you will have concerned
he/she/it will have concerned they will have concerned
future perfect progressive
I will have been concerning we will have been concerning
you will have been concerning you will have been concerning
he/she/it will have been concerning they will have been concerning
conditional present
I would concern we would concern
you would concern you would concern
he/she/it would concern they would concern
conditional present progressive
I would be concerning we would be concerning
you would be concerning you would be concerning
he/she/it would be concerning they would be concerning
conditional perfect
I would have concerned we would have concerned
you would have concerned you would have concerned
he/she/it would have concerned they would have concerned
conditional perfect progressive
I would have been concerning we would have been concerning
you would have been concerning you would have been concerning
he/she/it would have been concerning they would have been concerning
passive simple present
I am concerned we are concerned
you are concerned you are concerned
he/she/it is concerned they are concerned
passive present progressive
I am being concerned we are being concerned
you are being concerned you are being concerned
he/she/it is being concerned they are being concerned
passive present perfect
I have been concerned we have been concerned
you have been concerned you have been concerned
he/she/it has been concerned they have been concerned
passive present perfect progressive
I have been being concerned we have been being concerned
you have been being concerned you have been being concerned
he/she/it has been being concerned they have been being concerned
passive simple past
I was concerned we were concerned
you were concerned you were concerned
he/she/it was concerned they were concerned
passive past progressive
I was being concerned we were being concerned
you were being concerned you were being concerned
he/she/it was being concerned they were being concerned
passive past perfect
I had been concerned we had been concerned
you had been concerned you had been concerned
he/she/it had been concerned they had been concerned
passive past perfect progressive
I had been being concerned we had been being concerned
you had been being concerned you had been being concerned
he/she/it had been being concerned they had been being concerned
passive simple future
I will be concerned we will be concerned
you will be concerned you will be concerned
he/she/it will be concerned they will be concerned
passive future progressive
I will be being concerned we will be being concerned
you will be being concerned you will be being concerned
he/she/it will be being concerned they will be being concerned
passive future perfect
I will have been concerned we will have been concerned
you will have been concerned you will have been concerned
he/she/it will have been concerned they will have been concerned
passive future perfect progressive
I will have been being concerned we will have been being concerned
you will have been being concerned you will have been being concerned
he/she/it will have been being concerned they will have been being concerned
to concern
Palabras similares
respecting regard as to relate involve in relation to pertain focus interest problem affect discuss consideration arise implication importance suggest commitment concerned aim responsible anent imply debate refer set forth because of awareness respect reason as far as matter express question information issue safety environmental species affair welfare least primarily particular health
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