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to challenge

Formas del verbo
InfinitiveSimple PastPast Participle
to challenge play verbform challenged play verbform challenged play verbform
Tablas de conjugación
simple present
I challenge we challenge
you challenge you challenge
he/she/it challenges they challenge
present progressive
I am challenging we are challenging
you are challenging you are challenging
he/she/it is challenging they are challenging
present perfect
I have challenged we have challenged
you have challenged you have challenged
he/she/it has challenged they have challenged
present perfect progressive
I have been challenging we have been challenging
you have been challenging you have been challenging
he/she/it has been challenging they have been challenging
simple past
I challenged we challenged
you challenged you challenged
he/she/it challenged they challenged
past progressive
I was challenging we were challenging
you were challenging you were challenging
he/she/it was challenging they were challenging
past perfect
I had challenged we had challenged
you had challenged you had challenged
he/she/it had challenged they had challenged
past perfect progressive
I had been challenging we had been challenging
you had been challenging you had been challenging
he/she/it had been challenging they had been challenging
simple future
I will challenge we will challenge
you will challenge you will challenge
he/she/it will challenge they will challenge
future progressive
I will be challenging we will be challenging
you will be challenging you will be challenging
he/she/it will be challenging they will be challenging
future perfect
I will have challenged we will have challenged
you will have challenged you will have challenged
he/she/it will have challenged they will have challenged
future perfect progressive
I will have been challenging we will have been challenging
you will have been challenging you will have been challenging
he/she/it will have been challenging they will have been challenging
conditional present
I would challenge we would challenge
you would challenge you would challenge
he/she/it would challenge they would challenge
conditional present progressive
I would be challenging we would be challenging
you would be challenging you would be challenging
he/she/it would be challenging they would be challenging
conditional perfect
I would have challenged we would have challenged
you would have challenged you would have challenged
he/she/it would have challenged they would have challenged
conditional perfect progressive
I would have been challenging we would have been challenging
you would have been challenging you would have been challenging
he/she/it would have been challenging they would have been challenging
passive simple present
I am challenged we are challenged
you are challenged you are challenged
he/she/it is challenged they are challenged
passive present progressive
I am being challenged we are being challenged
you are being challenged you are being challenged
he/she/it is being challenged they are being challenged
passive present perfect
I have been challenged we have been challenged
you have been challenged you have been challenged
he/she/it has been challenged they have been challenged
passive present perfect progressive
I have been being challenged we have been being challenged
you have been being challenged you have been being challenged
he/she/it has been being challenged they have been being challenged
passive simple past
I was challenged we were challenged
you were challenged you were challenged
he/she/it was challenged they were challenged
passive past progressive
I was being challenged we were being challenged
you were being challenged you were being challenged
he/she/it was being challenged they were being challenged
passive past perfect
I had been challenged we had been challenged
you had been challenged you had been challenged
he/she/it had been challenged they had been challenged
passive past perfect progressive
I had been being challenged we had been being challenged
you had been being challenged you had been being challenged
he/she/it had been being challenged they had been being challenged
passive simple future
I will be challenged we will be challenged
you will be challenged you will be challenged
he/she/it will be challenged they will be challenged
passive future progressive
I will be being challenged we will be being challenged
you will be being challenged you will be being challenged
he/she/it will be being challenged they will be being challenged
passive future perfect
I will have been challenged we will have been challenged
you will have been challenged you will have been challenged
he/she/it will have been challenged they will have been challenged
passive future perfect progressive
I will have been being challenged we will have been being challenged
you will have been being challenged you will have been being challenged
he/she/it will have been being challenged they will have been being challenged
to challenge
Palabras similares
question threat problem attack appeal implication oppose criticize critique reject opposition criticism support issue difficulty undermine claim contest dispute attempt contradict deny criticise argument defy debate uphold decision defend protest accept face duel pose leadership legal meet authority combat sentry court take up present assumption serious
Traducción alemana
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