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to lie about

Formas del verbo
InfinitiveSimple PastPast Participle
to lie about play verbform lied about play verbform lied about play verbform
Tablas de conjugación
simple present
I lie about we lie about
you lie about you lie about
he/she/it lies about they lie about
present progressive
I am lying about we are lying about
you are lying about you are lying about
he/she/it is lying about they are lying about
present perfect
I have lied about we have lied about
you have lied about you have lied about
he/she/it has lied about they have lied about
present perfect progressive
I have been lying about we have been lying about
you have been lying about you have been lying about
he/she/it has been lying about they have been lying about
simple past
I lied about we lied about
you lied about you lied about
he/she/it lied about they lied about
past progressive
I was lying about we were lying about
you were lying about you were lying about
he/she/it was lying about they were lying about
past perfect
I had lied about we had lied about
you had lied about you had lied about
he/she/it had lied about they had lied about
past perfect progressive
I had been lying about we had been lying about
you had been lying about you had been lying about
he/she/it had been lying about they had been lying about
simple future
I will lie about we will lie about
you will lie about you will lie about
he/she/it will lie about they will lie about
future progressive
I will be lying about we will be lying about
you will be lying about you will be lying about
he/she/it will be lying about they will be lying about
future perfect
I will have lied about we will have lied about
you will have lied about you will have lied about
he/she/it will have lied about they will have lied about
future perfect progressive
I will have been lying about we will have been lying about
you will have been lying about you will have been lying about
he/she/it will have been lying about they will have been lying about
conditional present
I would lie about we would lie about
you would lie about you would lie about
he/she/it would lie about they would lie about
conditional present progressive
I would be lying about we would be lying about
you would be lying about you would be lying about
he/she/it would be lying about they would be lying about
conditional perfect
I would have lied about we would have lied about
you would have lied about you would have lied about
he/she/it would have lied about they would have lied about
conditional perfect progressive
I would have been lying about we would have been lying about
you would have been lying about you would have been lying about
he/she/it would have been lying about they would have been lying about
passive simple present
I am lied about we are lied about
you are lied about you are lied about
he/she/it is lied about they are lied about
passive present progressive
I am being lied about we are being lied about
you are being lied about you are being lied about
he/she/it is being lied about they are being lied about
passive present perfect
I have been lied about we have been lied about
you have been lied about you have been lied about
he/she/it has been lied about they have been lied about
passive present perfect progressive
I have been being lied about we have been being lied about
you have been being lied about you have been being lied about
he/she/it has been being lied about they have been being lied about
passive simple past
I was lied about we were lied about
you were lied about you were lied about
he/she/it was lied about they were lied about
passive past progressive
I was being lied about we were being lied about
you were being lied about you were being lied about
he/she/it was being lied about they were being lied about
passive past perfect
I had been lied about we had been lied about
you had been lied about you had been lied about
he/she/it had been lied about they had been lied about
passive past perfect progressive
I had been being lied about we had been being lied about
you had been being lied about you had been being lied about
he/she/it had been being lied about they had been being lied about
passive simple future
I will be lied about we will be lied about
you will be lied about you will be lied about
he/she/it will be lied about they will be lied about
passive future progressive
I will be being lied about we will be being lied about
you will be being lied about you will be being lied about
he/she/it will be being lied about they will be being lied about
passive future perfect
I will have been lied about we will have been lied about
you will have been lied about you will have been lied about
he/she/it will have been lied about they will have been lied about
passive future perfect progressive
I will have been being lied about we will have been being lied about
you will have been being lied about you will have been being lied about
he/she/it will have been being lied about they will have been being lied about
to lie about
Palabras similares
lie about lie strew pile up to within approximately float about lay drift stretch roughly go about pile situate dangle fall kilometre sprawl nearly short distance loll kilometer cover float roll about stick out veer hang extend hang about tumble mile km scatter municipality leave strew about north east toss fragment south league halfway dead southeast
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